Training, Equipping & Discipling Leaders

Friday, November 3, 2017
Age - N/A
6:30 pm

Mt. Scott COG


Mt. Scott Church of God has invited Phil Walker, President of International Christian Ministries, to speak about Training, Equipping, and Discipling LeadersHe will be speaking Friday, November 3 at 6:30 p.m. AND Sunday, November 5 at 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

For over 30 years International Christian Ministries (ICM) has responded to God’s call to train, equip and disciple Christ-centered leaders.  The results are astounding — over 2 million leaders have been impacted through the ICM initiatives.

In many parts of the world, churches have moved from being a powerful spiritual force of transformation in their communities to being simply a series of programs meeting in their buildings. ICM’s Discipling Marketplace Leaders (DML) initiative shifts the emphasis from programs to people.  It empowers pastors to equip their members to live and be the Church each day of the week throughout their communities.  This vital ICM program is launching local churches into marketplace ministry, by discipling every member to be a marketplace ambassador.  These ambassadors take the equipping from the four walls of the church to fill every corner of the community.

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