Monday, June 15, 2015
Age - N/A
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Hoodview Church of God
- FACILITATOR, Pastor Dennis Fuqua
- International Renewal Ministries
- Monday, June 15, 2015
- Hoodview Church of God, Woodburn, OR
- A love offering will be taken to help with meals
For more information about International Renewal Ministries
The Church Extension Commission would like to invite you to a Prayer Summit with the special purpose of discovering God’s preferred direction in our area of Church Planting.
The Prayer Summit will take place on Monday, June 15 at Hoodview Church of God in Woodburn.
If you are traveling a great distance, we will provide housing for you.
Our time together will be facilitated by Dennis Fuqua, Executive Director of International Renewal Ministries from Vancouver, Washington. Dennis has led prayer summits throughout the world and has been greatly used of God to call folks to the most critical aspect of our ministry, the call to prayer.
We will be extending an invitation to every pastor in the district to attend the prayer summit. In addition, we will invite anyone with a burden for church planting, anyone currently involved in a church plant or anyone with plans to be involved in one.
- Be in prayer for God’s appointed number to attend, and be prepared to personally invite a pastoral friend of yours, or whoever the Lord lays on your heart. Start inviting immediately. Please be in prayer to see if God is asking you to be here.
There is no better way for us to undertake the work of the kingdom of God as an Association, than to bathe our activity in prayer. “. . . And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47)
“Attendee Name”: Person attending the event.
“Name”: Person making the reservation. The same name can be entered in both boxes
Bookings are closed for this event.