Leadership ConneXion

Friday, January 15, 2016
Age - N/A
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunset Presbyterian Church


Steve Moore, author of Who Is My Neighbor?  

REGISTRATION:  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/leadership-connexion-2016-tickets-19083402972

  • Being a Good Samaritan in the age of information overload and overwhelming need.  
  • We live in a small world that is getting smaller, faster.  This reality complicates the answer to a simple and yet powerful question: Who is my neighbor?  That question was the trigger for one of the most famous stories Jesus ever told, what has come to be known as the Good Samaritan.    
  • Explore the two streams of passion potential in everyone
  • Discover how passion can become the gateway to mission
  • Identify the four quadrants of passionate engagement
  • Explore how to connect your passions with the heart of God  
  • This event is not sponsored by the Association of the Churches of God, but is recommended.