Deadline for Appointed Lay Delegates

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Sunday, February 1, 2015
Age - N/A
All Day


In preparation for our next annual business meeting on July 29, 2015, please have all delegate contact information turned in to our office by Feb. 1, 2015.

An excerpt from a letter written by Pastor Dave Shrout to Senior Pastors in our district:

“Please be aware that your District Council has been meeting monthly since Summer Celebration 2014.  They are trying to get everything in order for our next annual business meeting that will be held on July 29, 2015 at our Summer Celebration experience.

We have been working on our three-end goals:  (Discipleship, Leadership, and Relationship), our Guiding Policies, and bylaws.  All eight regions of pastors are meeting on a regular basis and we have scheduled our meetings through 2015.

One big goal we have is to meet with the pastors and lay delegates in each of our regions.  To help make this happen, I would ask that you ratify/elect/appoint your lay delegates by February 1st and send us their name, mailing address, and e-mail address.  It is our hope that these will be the same delegates that you will send to the annual meeting in July.”

Remember, each congregation is entitled to lay representation, in addition to any ministerial members, at the ratio of one (1) representative/delegate for every 50 congregants, or major fraction thereof; provided each congregation having ten (10) or more congregants shall be entitled to one (1) representative/delegate.