Southern Oregon COG Forum

Saturday, October 21, 2017
Age - N/A
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Friendly St. Church of God


District Pastor Jerry Davisson and Council Chair Jackie Scott, on behalf of the Association and District Council, will be hosting three public forums during the month of October in various areas of the state, and they invite you and your congregation to be involved.

Pastor Jerry will be sharing about some of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of us in the future. We will be talking about finances, district programming, as well as the benefits of working together. Please note that these forums will not be addressing the issue of sexual ethics; that will be a discussion for the ministerial fellowship at another time.

The forums are open to pastors, delegates, church leaders and lay persons — in other words, anyone interested in our work together as an Association of Churches of God in Oregon and SW Washington. We want to hear from you, the Church, about your vision for the Association. Participants will have opportunity to ask questions and give input on how the district office can help each church have an impact in their unique context as well as in our joint work.

We hope that you will be able to attend one of these sessions, and request that you also advertise these forums to your congregation and encourage any and all who are interested to attend.



Bookings are closed for this event.